Post Graduate Diploma in Buddhist Studies Program:

Religion and Philosophy

Unit I

Model questions

Group A.

Attempt any Three Questions   20x3= 60 Marks

Q.1. Attempt a comparative analysis of world religions and give the characteristic features of each

Q.2.Define Four Noble Truths.How in Theravada  Buddhism a path to liberation ( Nirvana) is established through Eight fold paths.Explain them.

Q.3.State the basic principles of four system of Buddhist philosophy. Explain how Nagarjuna explained the four point analysis to refute production of all dharmas.

Q.4 Give the fundamental principles of Mahayana Buddhism.Explain a method of development of Bodhicitta and give its importance.

Group B.

Attempt any Four Questions 10x4= 40 marks

Q.1  State briefly the difference between principles of Vedanta and Mind-only doctrine of Yogachara Buddhism.

Q.2.Explain Sevenfold Worship( skt: Saptavidhanuttara puja) in Mahayana Buddhism and explain its importance.

Q.3 Differentiate Samatha and vipassana in Buddhism. Give at least five objects of meditation in Samatha Meditation.

Q.4.What is Vajrayana Buddhism. Explain the concept of Trikaya doctrine of  Vajrayana Buddhism.

Q.5.What are differences between Pratimoksa and Bodhisattva Vows.Explain briefly the  PratimoksaVows of Upasaka and Upasikas.

Q.6 Write short notes on: (any three)

a) Pratityasamutpada

b) Six realms

c) Dasa akusala

d) Six perfections

e) Tri Ratna